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Transactions using Git repositories

Imagine you reading/writting locally to your file system attached to your Git repository as a transaction in your service class. An abstraction, using Aspects, to read and write files in your file system and automatically have them pulled/commited/pushed to your Git repository.

Welcome to git-transactions, see bellow how simple it is.


Include latest version Maven Central to your project.


Add repositories configurations

To your add information about the repositories of interest. The example bellow we have projects and deployments repositories.

# Shared configuration, if nothing more specific to a repo is used.

# this repo bellongs to thiagolvlsantos, so the user and password above are reused

# any repo can have its own user and password, multiple repos from different users can compose a file

Add annotation @EnableGitTransactions

public class Application {
	...main(String[] args) {...}

Add a reference to GitServices and annotate your methods with @GitRead or @GitWrite.


The following code shows how to read a file from Git which was automatically download by @GitRead(<repo_name>) annotation. Once the Git was downloaded the navigation through its structure is straightforward.

private @Autowired GitServices gitServices;


public String readProjectFile(String projectName) {
	File dir = gitServices.readDirectory("projects");
	return Files.readString(new File(dir,projectName+".json").toPath());


If you want to read contents of an specific revision, just pass the commit id in a @GitCommit annotated parameter as bellow:

private @Autowired GitServices gitServices;


public String readProjectFile(String projectName, @GitCommit("projects") String commit) {
	File dir = gitServices.readDirectory("projects");
	return Files.readString(new File(dir,projectName+".json").toPath());


Or programatically set it whenever you want, for example, to compare content versions:

private @Autowired GitServices gitServices;


public String readProjectFile(String projectName, String commit) {
	File dir = gitServices.readDirectory("projects");
	String current = Files.readString(new File(dir,projectName+".json").toPath());

	dir = gitServices.readDirectory("projects");
	String old = Files.readString(new File(dir,projectName+".json").toPath());
	//compare old with current

The same behavior can be achieved by using an ‘Long’ timestamp attribute annotated with @GitCommit, or using services.setTimestamp(...).


If the user wants to send or update files or directories into a Git repository use @GitWrite(<repo_name>) and after method finalization the changes are automatically commited/pushed to the Git repository latest revision.

private @Autowired GitServices gitServices;


public void writeProjectFile(String projectName) {
	File dir = gitServices.writeDirectory("projects");
	File newFile = new File(dir,projectName+".json");
	String newContent = "{\"name\":\""+projectName+"\"}"}
	Files.write(newFile.toPath(), newContent.getBytes(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE,


Information about commit author/committer is provided by an implemention of IGitAudit you provide.


Multiple combinations of read/write are allowed for different repositories. When mixing read and write, read repository downloads are performed first.


A larger set of examples can be found in test directory.


Localy, from this root directory call Maven commands or bin/<script name> at your will.